Occupational Health Clinic (OHC)
OHC is managed by industries in their campus. OHC is very important to deal with industrial accidents and injuries. OHC is required for any hazardous industries with more than 200 workers. We will provide qualified doctors and nurses on contractual basis. We will provide first aid box, medicines, instruments, furniture, Posters, Banners etc. We will […]
Find out moreAmbulance Van
Ambulance is a vehicle equipped for taking sick or injured people to and from hospital, especially in emergencies and capable of providing basic treatment of life-threatening medical emergencies. Ambulance should be available near OHC as per rule 68 V. Ambulance should have oxigen, stretcher, BP instrument, stethoscope, thermometer, basic medicines etc. We are providing ambulance […]
Find out moreLab Test
Blood Group All blood tests Hemoglobin/Total Count/Differential count Platelet count, Peripheral smear, E.S.R. Complete urine Examination Random Blood Sugar, FBS, PPBS Cholesterol Kidney Function Test Liver Function Test Special tests required as per factory act like S.Choline-Estarases S.Lead S.Nickel Urine Lead Urine Nickel Different types of hormonal tests Any tests required as per factory act. […]
Find out moreVaccinations
Vaccines against enteric group of disease & maintain records of vaccination (typhoid etc.) as per food and drug safety act. Tetanus (T.T. INJECTION) VACCINATION program. Any other Vaccines required by any industries.
Find out moreOccupational health lectures, seminars & program
We take lectures on various aspects of occupational health like…. Industrial hygiene Health awareness Occupational health hazards Oral cancer diagnosis Addiction and cancer awareness and de addiction program Health programs for Various day celebration like labors day ,drivers day ,safety day environment day ,industries foundation day ,owners birth day , Independence Day etc. Lecture on […]
Find out moreBasic, Executive and Advance health check up
We can do basic health check-up for all staff, executive and advance health check-up of selected staff. Tests can be selected from following list as per requirement; Consulting CBC with ESR Blood group Random blood sugar Urine (routine, microscopic ) SGPT S. creatinine S. cholesterol Lipid profile HBsAg B12 level HIV TSH Electrocardiogram/ECG USG Abdominal […]
Find out moreEmergency Health Facilities
Our group of hospitals in Gujarat will provide treatment of industrial accidents and emergencies, Our group of experts will manage chemical poisoning, gas poisoning, organophosphorus, poisoning, burns, fracture, plastic surgery, cosmetics surgery etc.
Find out moreGuidance in worker’s health insurance
Health insurance reduces financial burden of workers health on employer It helps in giving good treatment to staff We guide employer in taking proper amount of group health insurance
Find out moreHealth activities under CSR
We will do varieties of health activities under CSR (Corporate Social Responsibilities).
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